Wednesday, November 16

Sometimes, a Girl Just Needs...

Things have been a little rough around here lately. 
Lots of change.  Lots of uncertainty.  Lots of hurrying up, only to wait.  
I've started working evenings and miss being home to make sure things go smoothly for dinner, bath and bed. I miss having that intimate end of the day time with the kids to chat about important things and read stories.
Living in limbo has been hard on all of us, but especially Lucy, who thrives on stability and routine.  I have been trying to think of ways to help her adjust and cope.  Last night, I got the feeling that she needed some extra attention.  We put her hair in curlers, painted her nails and I pulled out an Oliver + S Ice Cream Tunic I'd been saving for Christmas.  She is auditioning for the school musical today and I wanted her to feel extra confident.   
 Speaking of the school musical... she misplaced her script last night and was in a panic because she was suppose to have a small part memorized for the try outs.  So, guess what I spent the better part of the night doing...  Googling and YouTubing that little play until I found the line she was working on, then typing out the part for her to look over this morning.  

I don't really think a new outfit and cute nails will cure her anxiety and quell the mood swings, but I'm hoping it helps her know she is special and loved, without a doubt.


  1. oh, Becca, Limbo is awful. Hopefully, it is not too for too long. Break a leg Lucy!!

  2. You are a wonderful Mom! :) Love the nails and tunic. Hugs to you all.

    <3 Aunt Kristin

  3. darling! i love the fruity nails!

  4. I miss you Becca (especially our AD nights!) I think you came up with the perfect 'fix'- Lucy is BEAUTIFUL!
