Thursday, February 16

New Years Report

Over the New Year's weekend, we took a quick trip up to Kentucky to visit my brother and his family.
We had a blast and a much needed excursion. 
All along the freeway and throughout the little city they live in, there were quilt squares on barns and buildings.   Apparently, each family had a certain block design and they would display it in painted fashion on or near their homes.  Kind of like a coat of arms.  
Very cool!
I couldn't get any good pics of the barns, but here are some that were displayed on old store fronts.
Kentucky is such a beautiful place.  Rolling green hills.  Picturesque white fences.  And even a castle.
I got to have some fun doing a little photo shoot of my nephews.  They are so darling.  Lucy and Henry had a blast playing with their cousins.

We had some delicious meals, good conversation and some experimentation with this.


  1. Those quilt squares on the barns is almost enough to make me want to live there!

    Love your photos of the boys. I don't think I saw the ones you posted of Jaron. So sweet!

  2. i love the quilt of arms! what a neat idea!
