Thursday, February 16

Red Letter Day

This month is my month to chose the block for my quilting bee.  I picked a quilt that I'd seen online and loved.
Aside from how awesome it is to end up with 11 beautiful quilt squares that I didn't have to put much effort into getting, I love the feeling I get when I open the mailbox and it's full of packages...
Definitely a good day maker!

This week we are celebrating Mochi's 1-year birthday.
I have a love-hate relationship with this dog.  

 He is destructive.  Costly.  Loud at times. Runs away.  Kills birds.
And usually smelly, despite fruity soaps used to make him otherwise.
But the kids love and adore him.  I think he has helped them cope with all of the changes that our little family has gone through over the last year.  And for that, I'll keep him.
Happy birthday, Moammar Gadhoggy.

Other things that are making my days Red Letter lately:

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