Tuesday, June 26

Happy Bird-day!

For our 11 year old grand daughter's birthday cake nothing was more appropriate than this bird nest cake topper. 

 Eva became a bird watcher when she sprained her ankle during her Christmas holiday visit.  She couldn't romp around with the cousins, so she parked herself in front of Grandpa's bird viewing window and fell in love with her feathered friends.  All she wanted for this birthday was feeders and bird baths.

This nest was made from stick pretzels coated in melted chocolate chips (1 cup + 1 T. of vegetable oil).  Pretzels were placed on a circle of waxed paper and shaped into a nest.  The nest was hardened in the freezer while the two layer cake was assembled and frosted.  Then I peeled the waxed paper away, placed on top of cake and inserted a ceramic bird from the dollar store! 

 Eva was very surprised and pleased! 


  1. This is perfect for Eva. So clever!

  2. That is so neat, Janene! You're so creative! Happy Bird-day, Eva!
