Friday, July 6

Postage Stamp Pillowcase Quilt

Ever since I read Oh, Fransson's! tutorial on postage stamp quilting, I wanted to give it a try.
I have also been collecting vintage pillowcases for awhile and wanted to use them in a worthy project.  My sweet friend just had her second baby girl and the thought of a feminine-postage stamp-vintagey quilt seemed truly appropriate.
Even though it's not completely finished, here's my progress so far.  The top is mostly made, just needs a border.  The squares ended up being 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" finished.

For my first try at Oh Fransson's! method, I really liked it.  Perfectly lined up corners and seams with out much effort is really gratifying!  There are some things I will do differently next time-- and I'm already planning a next time... thinking my Moda Punctuation jelly roll would look especially nice.

One thing I would do differently is to make a slightly larger seam allowance (a little more than 1/4").  That way it will be easier to make the seams lay flat.  There is a lot of bulk to press open.

Second thing would be to lay out the squares on the interfacing on a solid color surface.  It was hard to see the interfacing's pre-printed grid lines on my ironing board.

I've been having trouble with my iron.  The pesky thing!  Even though I use distilled water, it has been bleeding discolored water on my fabric.  I can't seem to find an iron that really works well.  I'll have to do some serious stain treatments to get all the spots out of this mostly white quilt before I gift it.
Any suggestions?

I'm excited to get this finished and on its way!


  1. You have such a good eye, Becca. As always, love your taste! Very nice.

  2. oh my goodness- i would hang it on the wall. i adore it...and the lace!!! you're my hero! smooches!

  3. it is so feminine and fabulous! great job. and as far as irons go, rowenta is the best, in my opinion. they're a bit pricier but worth the money! gl!

  4. em- i am currently using a rowenta, with that same thought in mind-- a little pricier, but probably worth it. i haven't been loving it. maybe i need to send it back in to the company. maybe i got a defective one.
