Tuesday, July 10

Designer Totes and Sling

The last two weeks have been like heaven on earth for this "Granna".   13 of our 15 grandchildren have been on hand for dinners and backyard parties.  I'm a little heartbroken today as one family just left to go back home.  But not before we snuck in a couple of sewing projects.
 Visiting grand girls designed their own tote bags.
 We intended for them to help sew them but too many cousins to play with and too many parties prevented this! 

   So at the last minute, just before they flew back to L.A. I whipped them up in time for departure.  
And little Jacob broke his collar bone.  Another last minute project was making a sling that "worked".  The one provided by the ER was a tad small and just didn't stay in place.  So I traced the old one and applied Aunt Jenny's engineering skills for a new improved version.  


  1. The girls brought their bags to church today. They just love them! Still getting compliments on your sling! :)
