Monday, August 13

Dachshund B-Day

We celebrated Lucy's 9th a month after the fact, but what's better than dragging out birthday fun?
She wanted a dachshund party, with face painting and a craft.  So, that's what we did.
Our good friend, Miss Beth, graciously painted everyone's face with the animal of their choice.

 The girls made clay necklaces (leftovers from girls' camp).
 We had hot dogs, chips and pop.  There was a cake that kind of looked like a dog.  With lots of crumbs in the frosting.  I am no cake decorator, but I think it tasted good.  And that's what really counts, right?
 Lucy was completely spoiled with a treasure trove of presents.  She has the most generous friends.
Here are some things about Lucy at age nine:
She loves dogs.  Especially dachshunds.
She recently became a vegetarian.
She's an avid Harry Potter Lego player on the Wii.
She is tall and wears a woman's size 6 shoe.
She is generous and always keeps a box of trinkets to give away to friends who visit.
She likes to play the piano.
She is a hard worker and loves to save and spend her money.
She loves to wear high heels when she can and has been putting Sun-In in her hair all summer to make it blonde.
She loves to draw.


  1. She is so adorable! I blame that all on you, Becca. (I guess we can give Billy a little credit if we have to.)

  2. Lucy is too adorable. I hope her and William really do end-up together someday. It was such a fun party! Thanks.

  3. Wow! I can't believe she is 9!! Love the cake! Great party!!
