Sunday, September 9

Back to Baking

Can't believe it has been a month since we have posted!  It has been a full summer and I hate to see it end.  When it is nice outside and grandkids abound and trails to hike, I tend to ignore my homemaking skills.  But I am officially "back" with the ring of the school bell.  Just this past week I made a fabulous blackberry cobbler, thanks to berry picking grandsons.  Then a friend's zucchini harvest resulted in a loaf of zucchini bread.

Today it was a batch of dinner rolls

rhubarb apple cake with crumb top

And Peanut Butter Brownies

                         Mix up 1 box brownie mix + 1/2 c. chocolate chips + 3/4 c. warmed p.b. swirled in
                                                  Frost while warm for gooey goodness!!

                                      Now I am ready for tomorrow's Grandparents Day party.

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