Our oldest grandson turned 13 last week! Yikes, am I that old?? All he wanted for his birthday was a medieval cape with a big hood. Knowing it was going to get drug all through the forested back yard and beyond, I didn't want to spend a fortune on fabric. I felt impressed to check out the local Sally's (Salvation Army Store) and there was 5 plus yards of brown polyester double knit just waiting for me for $4.99! If I could even find that at JoAnn's it would have been just what I wanted! I used Simplicity Pattern 9887.

With the scraps I was able to make Jacob the Jedi his robe. I improvised a girl's bathrobe pattern, hence the puffy sleeve. I didn't have enough to cut out another sleeve. If you look close you can see I had to piece fabric together to make the sleeve I had. Oh, well. He is happy and claims he really does have the force, so look out!

1 comment:
so cute!
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